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Q1 . What if in future where this app is built into typical AR glasses as a way to get more information about the world around you and quickly answer the question 'what is that?

Ans:- Well, if this feature really comes to life someday, it's going to make people really knowledgable about space and things related to space. Especially kids of age 4-7 years old, who are generally very curious about everything. This ever-ready information is sure to attract more people to space research.

Q2 . What other data sources might you want to integrate into an app like this?

Ans:-Google earth has very good data about our near-space planets, that can add a lot of valuable information to the app.  I want to integrate data about black holes and galaxies. One other thing I can imagine is data of satellites shown in AR glasses, this data can be used to see which areas are being covered by satellite in the real-time.

Another feature I can imagine is the app telling you your realtime position with the help of analyzing the visuals of the area around you.

Q3 .  What different layers of information might you want to combine in this view?

Ans:- As I have said in the previous answer the combination of pieces of information about different galaxies and their planets and stars will really increase the usability of the app. Another thing I can imagine is the information about the electromagnetic field of the planets and how it affects the other planets in the system.

Another layer of information can be of aeroplanes in the sky, like if you look at an aeroplane through your AR glasses, you should see its initial stop, speed, and destination, airlines name etc.

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